
Arkema Forane® R-22 制冷剂

Forane® 22 制冷剂(R-22)应用范围广泛,包括住宅和商用空调、制冷、制冷机、房间空调、热泵、运输制冷以及其他舒适的制冷和制冷应用。

Forane® 427A : Guía completa para hacer un retrofit de Aire acondicionado con R-22

Guía completa, paso a paso reconvertimos un aire acondicionado domiciliario que tenía R-22 con Forane® 427A - The Easy Retrofit™.

Forane® 427A - The best R-22 replacement

This presentation shows what our products, Forane® refrigerant gases, offer in our quality and packaging within the application industry. We will explain the benefits of using Forane® 427A and why it is the best solution comparing it with the other market alternatives.

Comparison: VS R-22, R-417A, R-404, R449A

Case studies: All temperatures (high, medium, and low)

Forane® 427A – El mejor reemplazo de R-22

Presentaremos los gases refrigerantes Forane®: Nuestros productos, calidad, packaging, industrias de aplicación.

Beneficios de Forane® 427A, explicaremos por qué es la mejor solución comparándola con otras alternativas en el mercado.

Comparación: VS R-22, R-417A, R-404, R449A

Casos de estudio: Todas las temperaturas (alta, media y baja)

Know your source – avoid counterfeit refrigerants

Counterfeiting of refrigerants and refrigerant cylinders is a serious issue across the globe, costing businesses and consumers millions of dollars per year. Counterfeit refrigerant products have been identified across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the United States. Many problems can occur from using counterfeit refrigerant products. Arkema takes the issue of counterfeit cylinders very seriously. Watch this video to ensure you only purchase and use authentic Forane® refrigerant products in order to ensure quality and safety!

R-22 和你: R-22 事实和提示


Arkema – Forane® 60周年视频

R-22 and you: R-22 facts and tips

With the phase-out of R-22 in the U.S., there is a lot of confusion in the marketplace. Can you still service your old AC unit with R-22? Where can you buy it? Watch this educational video to learn more about R-22 usage for your air conditioning unit as well as cost and industry supply.

Forane® 427A presentación gas refrigerante

Gases Refrigerantes Forane® Renueve sus instalaciones de R-22 por Forane® 427A, Producto ecológico que no daña la capa de ozono, no es tóxico ni inflamable. Principales ventajas: Compatible con aceite mineral, producto versátil y sencillo para todos los rangos de temperatura (alta, media y baja). Forane® 427A, imita la curva termodinamica del R-22, siendo el retrofit mas parecido al R-22. Cambie por Forane®.

Forane® 134A presentación gas refrigerante

Gases Refrigerantes Forane® Forane® 134A, la mejor opción para sus instalaciones de media y baja temperatura. Para la industria automotriz, alimenticia, transporte de cargas con cadena de frío, etc. Forane® 134a es seguro, confiable con certificaciones UL, AHRI 700, ISO. Renueve sus instalaciones por un fabricante mundial de productos químicos, cambie por Forane®.

Retrofit R-22 air conditioning systems with Forane® 427A

Our R22 retrofit instructional video explains how to retrofit an R-22 air conditioning unit with Forane® 427A – the Easy Retrofit™, providing answers to your questions about pressure/temperature, superheat/subcooling, oil change, and more! Get step-by-step instructions from Arkema’s Technical Support Manager, John Maiorana, as you learn more about Forane® 427A as well as other Forane® refrigerants and services.

Forane® 427A – 简易改装

Forane® 427A 易于改装是有原因的。作为空调、热泵和制冷应用的理想选择,这款R-22改型提供了与R-22几乎相同的压力。使用Forane®427A,您可以获得与大多数R-22改装相当的容量和更好的效率。更不用说,Forane®427A不需要更换热膨胀阀。
